2024 'Kuliang Stories' sharing session held in Kuliang

On June 23, the 2024 "Kuliang Stories" sharing session was held in Kuliang, Fuzhou, capital of Fujian province. Eight friends of Kuliang, along with students and teachers from various universities, gathered to share their stories.

Centenarian Remembers His Teachers

At the event, a former student of Yinghua Middle School passionately mentioned Donald MacInnis, saying, "Although I am 100 years old, I will always be a student of Yinghua and Mr. MacInnis."

This elderly man is Chen Shiming, a student of Donald MacInnis and his wife. These teachers, who once lived in Kuliang, became lifelong mentors and friends to Chen.

"I was Mr. MacInnis's favorite student", Chen proudly recalled. He still keeps a yellowed, handwritten copy of the first issue of the school magazine "TIDE", which marked the beginning of their friendship.

After Donald MacInnis left Yinghua Middle School, Chen continued to write to him, filling his letters with fondness and respect.

In 1995, Chen went to Yixu Airport to welcome Donald MacInnis. From a distance, Mr. MacInnis greeted him in the local Fuzhou dialect, which dispelled the sense of separation caused by years apart.

In 2018, thanks to the efforts of Chen and other Yinghua Middle School students, Donald MacInnis's name was engraved on the Anti-Japanese Martyrs Wall at Sanshan Cemetery, the first foreigner to have his name inscribed on Fuzhou's Anti-Japanese Martyrs Memorial Wall.

Reunion of Kuliang Childhood Friends

At the sharing session, Gail Harris embraced Li Yiying tightly. This was their fifth reunion since their childhood separation.

"This is my cherished photo album, and I'm giving you a copy." Once seated, Li took out a pre-prepared album filled with photos of their four previous reunions since 2014.


At the sharing session, Gail Harris (left) and Li Yiying hold hands. [Photo/fznews.com.cn]

"I am the older 'twin sister' Li Yiying, and this is my American sister," Li recalled. They were born during the tumultuous wartime period when Yinghua Middle School relocated to Yangkou town, Shunchang county in Nanping city.

Li revealed that they are planning their next reunion across the ocean. "I have obtained a ten-year visa for visiting relatives in the United States and am ready to set off at any time", she said.

Deep Love for China

A hundred years ago, the Kuliang summer resort community was vibrant, attracting expatriates from over 20 countries to escape the summer heat. The area witnessed various stages of their lives, the growth of their families, and the birth of friendships.

Some families lived in China for more than three generations, with many being born in Fuzhou.

"On my way here, I met a student from Fuzhou Gezhi High School of Fujian, which was very heartwarming because my grandfather had taught science and biology at the school," said Lee Gardner, who was excited to share his story.

Lee Gardner is the grand-nephew of Milton Gardner, who lived in Kuliang for nine years. The Gardner family's deep connection to the area led them to return to Kuliang and Fuzhou at different times, with their fond memories prompting repeated visits.

"This is my sixth visit to Kuliang," said Lee. His most recent visit was in 2023, when he collected a jar of soil from Gezhi High School. As a gesture of gratitude, he gifted the school a butterfly-attracting herb native to the Americas, which he called "the grass of friendship."

Representatives from Affiliated High School of Fujian Normal University also shared their experience. In 2013, the school launched a Sino-American high school program, welcoming American teachers and enrolling 120 students annually to continue the "Bond with Kuliang" among the younger generation. Many graduates from this program have gone on to attend American universities, with educational cooperation becoming increasingly frequent and in-depth.

Indeed, Kuliang is becoming a veritable international platform for friendly exchanges. 

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