Zhang Youxin

Zhang Youxin, born and raised in Fuzhou, Fujian province, moved to the United States in his thirties for higher education and later settled there. Despite his successful career and family life in the US, he has always felt a deep connection to his homeland.

An avid stamp collector for over fifty years, Zhang finds joy in the hunt for stamps, discovering their histories, and connecting with his roots. His collection, especially of Kuliang envelopes, helps him cope with homesickness.

In his "Dreaming of Kuliang" series, Zhang poignantly wrote about how these items bring his hometown closer: "Even though I have lived in the US for many years and Boston has become my second hometown, I still miss my homeland and hometown dearly. Looking at these envelopes from Kuliang that I've collected makes my hometown feel not so distant."

Zhang's mother and wife have been his biggest supporters. His mother nurtured his interests in music and philately, even selling family furniture to support him. After her passing, his wife continued this support, allowing Zhang to pursue his passion.

Zhang's collection and research have deepened his understanding of Kuliang, Fujian, and China's postal history. He believes each envelope holds a piece of history or a story, driving his dedication. Now in his seventies, Zhang continues to collect, study, and write about philately, finding endless joy and connection in his lifelong hobby.

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