China, U.S. youth plant seeds of friendship in Kuliang

China, US youth plant seeds of friendship in Kuliang.jpg

Students and young professionals hang bookmarks wishing for an everlasting China-U.S. friendship on their newly planted trees in Kuliang. [Photo provided to]

After planting an orange osmanthus tree, Leila, a sophomore from the University of Iowa in the United States, expressed hopes for the enduring prosperity of the trees and a lasting friendship between China and the United States, mirroring the timeless Bond of Kuliang.

As a highlight of the Bond with Kuliang: 2024 China-U.S. Youth Festival, the China-U.S. youth tree planting event took place on June 24 in Kuliang, Fuzhou.

Representatives from the American Friends of Kuliang including Elyn MacInnis and Lee Gardner, officials from American sister provinces, states, and cities with China, American business representatives, and young guests attending the festival gathered to plant trees suitable for Kuliang's climate, like orange osmanthus and red maple, in the China-U.S. friendship forest.

The China-U.S. friendship forest, a symbol of enduring friendship between the two nations, will grow and flourish in Kuliang, carrying forward its legacy for generations to come.

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